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A. Alberto Lugo

A. Alberto Lugo, since his inception as the CEO and Founder of Framing Futures Architectural Firm (FFAF) in 2019, has been a pivotal force in shaping the architectural landscape of Southern California. His role at FFAF transcends mere leadership; he is the cornerstone of the firm's vision, seamlessly integrating innovative design processes with practical management strategies. His expertise in handling a diverse range of projects has positioned the firm at the forefront of the architectural industry. Under his guidance, FFAF has grown into a hub for skilled architects, where each member is encouraged to embrace the fundamentals of modern architectural engineering to create cutting-edge commercial and public structures.

His professional journey is marked by a decade of significant contributions to top architectural firms. Before establishing FFAF, he served as a Senior Architect at renowned companies like Parkins and Rhodon in New York and Fentrell Architects in San Francisco. His tenure at these firms was characterized by a deep engagement in strategic design planning and execution, contributing vastly to their portfolio of prominent projects. Before 2009, he also played a crucial role as a Senior Architectural Design Strategist at Macaby and Roy, a position that further honed his strategic and design skills. His career trajectory took a significant turn when he joined a firm founded by his father in Albany, NY. Starting as an intern, he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming a Project Architect, which allowed him to leave a lasting impact on the firm's direction and projects. His early career also saw him delve into business consultancy, providing insights to a small business development firm in NYC. This role augmented his understanding of the business aspects of architecture.

His educational background is as diverse as his professional experience. Initially, he pursued a Bachelor of Business from the University of Pennsylvania, a testament to his versatile interests. However, his passion for architecture led him to Cornell University, where he earned a Master of Architecture degree with distinction. This educational shift was not merely a change in discipline but a reflection of his evolving career aspirations. His time at Cornell was further extended to specialize in Building Science and Technology and to gain expertise in Environmental Systems. In 2003, his dedication to lifelong learning brought him back to Cornell to deepen his knowledge in environmentally-conscious building and design.

Over two decades in the architectural field, he has been involved in numerous top-level projects that showcase his versatility and commitment to excellence. In 2012, he collaborated with the San Francisco Historic Buildings Committee to plan and design renovations for several public service spaces. This project underscored his ability to blend aesthetic appeal with functional utility. In 2015, his architectural acumen was recognized by the Hagman's Group of NYC, who entrusted him with the design of a structure built entirely from sustainable and recycled materials. This project was an architectural feat and a testament to his commitment to sustainable building practices. During his tenure at Parkins and Rhodon, he led the design of a full-scale shopping center, demonstrating his proficiency in handling large-scale commercial projects. A. Alberto Lugo Eastchester, NY, also significantly drafted plans for a multi-story house of worship, showcasing his ability to integrate cultural and spiritual elements into architectural designs. His work designing affordable housing in collaboration with local urban development teams highlights his dedication to social responsibility and community engagement.



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